

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Humility through a child's eyes

Ok, today I encountered a difficult subject and situation. The group was at a tiny park with a very small trickling brook obscured with huge bushes of orange daylilies. To add to my consternation, three classes of 6 year old students arrived to have their morning of games and snacks exactly on the same spot.

The little ones had so many questions about brushes, paints and the easel, I figured it was better to enjoy their questions and cheerfully answer them. Having no other choice, (if you can't beat them, join them) I became part of their class and started teaching them how to magically produce "green" from blue and yellow and purple and orange. Of course we all became friends, (I was transformed into a magician) my painting was lost, but we all had a super time. These little ones were so complimentary of my meager efforts and were excited to see my canvas mimic the scene. Some of them actually were able to identify the scene with glowing approval.

If we all could see through a child's eyes, life would become simpler and clearer. I learned my lesson today. Keep it simple, clear and put your heart and soul into it, then wait for the approving audience. They are out there, waiting for the right picture.

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